


Hepatitis caused by viruses known as viral hepatitis. Common responsible viruses are:
1.    Hepatitis A virus [HAV]
2.    Hepatitis B virus [HBV]
.     3.  Hepatitis C virus [HCV]
4.    Hepatitis  D virus [delta agent]
5.    Hepatitis E virus [HEV]
6.    hepatitis G virus [HGV] others- in immunocompromised hosts some times cytomegalovirus, Epstein- Barr virus, herpes simplex virus, yellow fever virus may also cause hepatitis.
Types of viral hepatitis:
1.    viral hepatitis A
2.    viral hepatitis B
3.    viral hepatitis C
4.    viral hepatitis D
5.    viral hepatitis E
6.    viral hepatitis G
7.    SEN- V or Non A-E viral hepatitis
8.    Cytomegalovirus hepatitis
9.    Epstein- Barr virus hepatitis
10.    herpes simplex virus hepatitis
11.    Yellow fever virus hepatitis

       It is the most common type of viral hepatitis, caused by the picornavirus of enter virus group. The hepatitis A virus is very infection and spreads mainly by the faucal- oral route, through ingestion of contaminated food or water. Overcrowding and poor sanitation helps in spreading the disease. After infection, the viruses replicate in the liver, excreted in the bile and then in the faces of the infected patient for about 2 weeks before the onset of clinical illness and up to 7 days after. There are no carrier state of hepatitis period is about 30 days. It is also called infectious or epidemic or short- incubation hepatitis;
Clinical features:

1.    The prodromal symptoms are gradual onset of fever with chills, headache and malaise.
2.    Gastrointestinal symptoms are anorexia, distaste for cigarettes, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
3.     A steady upper abdominal pain occurs in upper right quadrant.
4.      Patients may complain of dark urine & pale stools.

Physical signs:
1.    Appearance of jaundice with yellow discoloration of skin, sclera & mucus membrane.
2.     The liver is usually tender, may or may not be readily palpable.
3.    Cervical lymph nodes enlarged & may be palpable.
4.    Splenomegally may occur.
5.     Dark yellow urine & pale stool.
         The intensity of symptoms and signs gradually diminishes & in occurs of 3 to 6 weeks duration, the great majority of cases recover.


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