


This is an infectious disease of dpmestic herbivores viz cattle, sheep, goats, horses and swine, ingested by these animals when grazing. Causative organism Bacillus anthrax which lives in topsoil .

Human infection is acquired during handling infected hides, wool, hair and carcasses. Transmission can occur through direct contact, the organism infecting skin.

This is most common in farmers, veterinarians and tannery, may also occur in wool-workers.

Cutaneous anthrax or malignant pustule characteristically consists of three zone.After 5 of 6 days the regional lymph nodes. Pyrexia of variable degree, headach, nausea, vomiting and malaise, may be present. Smear from the lesion shows the organisms.

Haematogenous seread may lead to haemorrhagic meningitis or shock, cyanosis and collapse. Blood cultures are often positive.

Pulmonary anthrax results from inhalation of spores from wool,  hides and bristles .It is characterized by fever, headache, malaise, cough and dyspmoea. There may be haemoptysis. Auscultatory and radiological findings, suggest pneumonia.

Infection occurs from poorly cooked meat of in fected animals. Patient may develop features of acute abdomen like cholear or massive diarrhea. The condition is usually fatal.  


1.    Penicillin G 2,000,000 units i.m. or i.v followed by1,000,000 units 4 hourly Or,
2.    tetracycline, 500 mg 6 hourly daily or ,
3.    Amoxycillin 500 mg 8 hourly daily or ,
4.    Erythromycim, 500 mg 6 hourly daily or,
        Continue treatment for 7 days.

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